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Type | Category | Summary | Documentation | Version | Key |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | Unable to rematch invoice with system error | If a invoice receives a system error message then the rematch function didn't work and nothing happend when the function was performed. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4890 |
Improvement | User Management | Sync Active/inactive user state in DCE with settings in UserManagement | Sync Active/inactive user state in DCE with settings in UserManagement | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4885 |
Improvement | Admin | Control Edge - DCEAdmin - disable the function for create and delete users | If customer uses User Management Portal for adding/deleting users then the functionality should be disabled in Edge Invoice Manager Administrator so that the user can't make actions that will interfere with User Management Portal functionality. Currently if the users are created/deleted separetly from Edge Invoice Manager Administrator prior to be handled from User Management Portal, blocks the creation/deletion of the complete AAD(Azure Active Directory) acount in User Management Portal. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4884 |
Improvement | Integration - Control | Move EU VAT group types to unit parameters | Two new unit parameters, called EUVatCodeInsideEU and EUVatCodeOutsideEU, are added for specifing the group types in Control Edge, used to read the vat codes when working with EU VAT. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4870 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | No account rows are visible in batch approval/pay ok | No account rows were displayed on selected invoice from Batch Attest or Batch PayOK lists, if the search permission was set to 0 (lowest level). This is corrected. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4847 |
Improvement | Contract | Agreement present account and object values in result list | The accounts and objects are presented in the agreement search results. They are presented as separate columns in the columns selector for the agreement search list (account, Obj1, Obj2, Obj3 etc) so the user can add the accounts and object dimensions that they want to see in the search results list. These values are also included when exporting to excel as the rest of the columns that are visible in the search results. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4823 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | Save button isn't activated when adding an attachment/saving an agreement | Save button was not activated every time when adding an attachment to a definitive booked invoice if cache had been emptied. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4810 |
Confirmed Error | Admin | Move invoice - list of user recipients isn't updated | The list of available recipient users was not updated accordingly when selecting to move an invoice with an amount that exceed the limit to attest for some of the users. This is corrected. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4801 |
Confirmed Error | Admin | SE VAT amount should be conditioned (manual import) | If imported a manual invoice it was possible to fill in the SE VAT amount without any VAT amount and this should not be possible (allowed). A red exclamation mark is displayed now, next to VAT amount field, if this field is left empty and SE VAT amount field gets a value. | 2022.12.1 | DCE-4320 |
Improvement | Settings - Other | More options gear wheel in Business Unit list | Bank ID, type and account number selectable for Business Units in the list view. If there are multiple banks on the unit the one marked as "standard" is shown only. | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5602 |
Confirmed Error | Settings - Users/Privileges | System administrators (dbo-owner) receive error message when trying to delete users. | db_owner user not able to delete other users despite being also sysadmin in SQL, bug fixed | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5601 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting | JIRA - Favorite reports "Override existing" is missing | Different bug fixes when saving favorite reports (CTRL-5574, CTRL-5594) | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5594 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Reconciliation workflow | Closing reconciliation - all reconciliations deleted after upgrading to version 14 | Accounting – Closing reconciliation workflow, bug fix when loading was not possible due to wrong error message that accounts are not reconciled in previous periods | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5593 |
Confirmed Error | Approval Integration | Approval settings background - combogrid problem | Approval settings – bug fixed when saving if only one approver exists in the list (CTRL-5588) | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5588 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Save & print voucher does not work in some cases | Bug fixed when “save & print” voucher when creating vouchers for different business units one after the other. | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5587 |
Improvement | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Create system setting for adding/removing Ledger Series on invoices | New system setting, Invoicing groupbox: "include serie in invoicenumber" so each customer can decide whether they want to include or not the serie in the invoice number for Peppol. | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5579 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | JIRA - Row 5 in the new VAT report | Accounting Reports - VAT report - different bug fixes. | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5578 |
Improvement | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Blank rows in invoicing - add a warning message when this type of rows are used | Warning messages when blank rows are used (for Peppol) both in Create Invoice and in Transfer Invoice Logs. | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5573 |
Confirmed Error | Logging | Update error to Logs when changing value on account | Update error to Logs when changing value on account | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5570 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Register payments workflow | Change of bankfee is not saved | Purchase – Register payments, via Autopay – changing of bank fees not saved, bug fixed (CTRL-5565) | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5565 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Reconciliation workflow | cannot select account in the dropdown list unless the box "Leverantörsreskontra" is marked | Accounting – Bank account reconciliation workflow – account selection problem, fixed. | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5559 |
Improvement | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Change SP to align to OCR-changes | Peppol – if OCR is used in invoicing it will be shown in the cac:PaymentMeans/cbc:PaymentID tag (“invoice reference”). If OCR is not used this tag will not be created | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5547 |
Improvement | Autopay Integration | Autopay - use booking date instead of value date in VIP | Autopay – bug/regression fixed for booking incoming payments (VIP) when booking date is used instead of value date (error showing up as bookdate 1753-01-01 on payments) | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-5442 |
Improvement | Approval Integration | Approval. Wish to be able to lock serie. | New feature: voucher series can be locked in order for vouchers to go through Approval first! They can only be used for vouchers that are already approved. | 2022.12.1 | CTRL-4709 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing on account workflow | OCR for invoices on account always gets created even if the setting is off | OCR number created on invoices on account even when the "use OCR" setting is not checked, bug fixed. | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-721 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | JIRA - Not possible to resend multiple e-invoices | Exception fixed when trying to "send all" invoices from the split button. Also sending (to AutoInvoice) big batches of invoices (some of them with the same inv.number), fixed | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-704 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Sales ledger | Not possible to select businessunit in purchaseledger | Cannot select business unit & customer when creating a sales ledger (kundreskontra) - bug fixed. | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-700 |
Confirmed Error | Settings - Users/Privileges | Users who are Admin on "user privilege" are lacking db_owner in SQL | Bug fix regarding dbo role in SQL when a user is made "admin" on the Settings - Users privilege. | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-699 |
Improvement | Admin | User Management - Confirmation requested when remove services from account | Removing all the services from an account triggers the deletion of the account, therefore, confirmation of the user with the coresponding information, consistent with the deletion message, is requested when saving the changes. | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-698 |
Improvement | User Management | User Management - active/inactive flag for DCE users | Possibility to activate/deactivate users in Invoice Manager from User Management Portal is added. This action does not remove the accounts from Invoice Manager nor AAD but it removes the Invoice Manager services from that users wich is flagged accordingly. A checkbox for activate/deactivate an invoice manager account is added in the group for Invoice Manager services under the user details. The inactive/active status is updated accordingly on Invoice Manager Administrator, for the corresponding user. | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-697 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | JIRA - Create voucher as a log doesn't work in Edge | Not possible to create voucher as log when the automatically turn voucher checkbox is used in Create Voucher - regression fixed. | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-693 |
Improvement | File Transfer | File Transfer should use Edge logo and Control Edge | File Transfer should use Edge logo and Control Edge | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-690 |
Confirmed Error | Asset | Error when activating an asset | Bug fixed when activating an asset & adding extra voucher rows. | 2022.12.1 | CPLC-689 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | Invoices with periodics do no longer stop in "validate object" even though unit parameter is set to "1". | Invoices with periodic allocation didn't stop in validate object even if the unit parameter ValiatePeriodic was set to 1. This is now corrected | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4910 |
Improvement | Invoice | If percentage is not set on Project Vat object type in Control then it's fetched from regular VAT object | If the percentage isn't set in the specified group on the Project VAT object in Control and the value is NULL, then the percentage will be fetched from the group value on the regular VAT object. In this context, the user doesn't have to set a vat percentage on all project objects if they have the same percentage as the regular VAT object. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4908 |
Improvement | General | Add link to Release notes web page on start page in IM Edge | A link to the Edge Release Notes is added on the Invoice Manager Start Page, on the links group. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4902 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | If you manually edit the Vat-amount the Amount will not be calculated correctly in a VB integration | If edited manually the VAT amount then the amount in local currency was calculated as the net amount. On preliminary booking the amounts on the voucher were not correct due to usage of the local amount. Once you have edited the VAT amount there is no workaround to fix it, the invoice had to be deleted/cancelled and re-imported with the correct VAT amount on it. This is corrected. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4901 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | No Vat code is added on accounting line | When an account was added on a coding line either manually or auto generated on import, added VAT code was set to 0 even if there was a VAT code on the account in Control Edge. The VAT code could be though selected and added manualy. This is corrected and if there is a VAT code on the used account, this will be displayed accordingly on the accounting line. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4900 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | Invoice Image isn't shown in DCE Mobile in Edge | En error was return when trying to display any invoice image on Invoice Manager Mobile. This is corrected. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4899 |
Improvement | Invoice | Distribution of Project VAT when real estate VAT is set | Real estate companies sometimes wish to work with project VAT beyond their regular real estate VAT, which behaves the same as the real estate VAT, but could use a different percentage than the real estate VAT. In this context a set of unit parameters were added to ensure and support this functionality when set accordingly. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4898 |
Improvement | General | Change icon for DCE in Edge | The icons used in Document Center Enterprise are changed. The new icons should be used together with the new name on different places such as task bars or inside application, therefore thechanges will be noticed on the web application, administrator tool, mobile, integration applications such as Control, File Transfer and User Management Portal, remote desktop application. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4879 |
Improvement | General | Change name from DCE to Invoice Manager in Edge | The name of Document Center Enterprise is change to Invoice Manager. The new name should be used to express the application name, therefore it will be noticed on the web application, administrator tool, mobile, notifications, integrated applications such as Control, File Transfer and User Management Portal, remote desktop application. | 2023.02.1 | DCE-4878 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Sales | Duplicate amount Salesledger value due | Reporting - Sales ledger, due, currency - different bug fixes regarding amounts and page setup. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5638 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | E-Invoice with fees generate VAT rate with decimal places | Peppol - rounding issues fixed for invoices that contain fees (2). | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5637 |
Improvement | Other | Want databases to be shown in alphabetical order | On login, database names are shown in alphabetical order now! | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5618 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Peppol - rounding errors when there are fees on the invoice | Peppol - rounding issues fixed for invoices that contain fees (1). | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5612 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing on account workflow | Jira Wish - More field in Grid settings "Generate invoices on account" | Generate invoices on account - all available fields from the table were added to the grid, all are visible by default. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5598 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing on account workflow | JIRA Wish - Default BU Agreement | Invoices on account, new agreements: default business unit fetched from the user instead of system settings, bug fixed. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5597 |
Confirmed Error | Logging | no PK on table accountx (or any other table) | Permission problems fixed on logged tables (no PK on table XXX error) for non-admin users. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5591 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Register | JIRA - Numeric ID suppliers not compatible with Approval | Numeric ID's for suppliers can be used now even if there are suppliers sent to Approval that are not yet handled. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5582 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting | Export RDL to PDF in Control | Filename = report name suggested automatically when exporting a report from Report Central to a PDF file, regression fixed. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5563 |
Improvement | Logging | Logging creates more rows than selected in the logging | Logging for table "userprivilege" fixed in order to log only the privileges that were actually changed not all the privileges for the user that previously were deleted & reinserted. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5554 |
Improvement | Reporting - Purchase (suppliers) | Report banks for suppliers | Former Banks report was split into 2 distinct reports now: Supplier banks, under Purchase-Register and Business Unit banks, under Accounting-Register. | 2023.02.1 | CTRL-5245 |
Improvement | Start Page | Change link to Release Notes on startpage | Links widget updated with the correct link to the release notes page: https://releasenotes.control.visma.com/ | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-738 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting | Can't "jump" between BU in reports | Reporting: navigation bug in reports, fixed. Problem was occurring in larger reports, after the page arrows were used the hotbar breaks were not working anymore. | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-737 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Reminders workflow | E-reminder becomes a credit note | Creating e-reminder files possibility was restricted by disabling the button(s) when Peppol is used as e-invoicing format since it is not supported. | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-730 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | e-invoice not generated if invoice serie contains a dash | File creation for e-invoices on series that contain a dash in the ID, fixed. | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-729 |
Improvement | General | DCE - Agreement, allow more characters in validation | More validation changes were done on the agreement fields as follows: special character , and - is allowed on fields: Name, Signer, Contact, in consecutive sequence with the whitespace, and the fields Description and FreeText(1-10) allow special characters : ; , % | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-728 |
Confirmed Error | Start Page | Shortcut on start page dont work - Transfer voucher log | Navigation between tabs and opening links from the startpage, bug fixed. | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-722 |
Improvement | Import | JIRA Wish - Excel Import Settings (personx) | Excel import, personx table improvements added regarding the column order. | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-710 |
Improvement | General | New Icon and login background page for Edge | New Control Edge icon and background page implemented! | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-686 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | JIRA - Voucher list, for currency | "Date" column length was extended for the "Voucher list, currency" report. | 2023.02.1 | CPLC-639 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Search and copy invoice for foreign amount | The distribution of the amount on the foreign invoices when accessed and copied using the Search & Copy functionality, was incorrect. This is corrected now. | 2023.04.1 | DCE-4920 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Change name of DCE to Invoice Manager in the edge product documentation | Starting this version,new name of the product, Invoice Manager, is used on the help documentation, for both Invoice Manager and Invoice Manager Administrator. | 2023.04.1 | DCE-4909 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Invoice has matched against an invoice template with id -1 that doesn't exist | Invoices containing references with value "--", turned the invoices to be matched against a template with id -1 which didn't exist in the system. This behavior is corrected now. | 2023.04.1 | DCE-4800 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Reconciliation workflow | Closing reconciliation bug - invalid column name AB1 | Accounting - Closing reconciliation workflow, bug ("invalid column name - Business Unit ID") occurring in certain conditions when loading data, fixed. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5697 |
Confirmed Error | Settings - Users/Privileges | Errormessage when press + for serial number in invoicing | Create Invoice – error when trying to get the serial number before saving the invoice, when OCR is used, bug fixed. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5680 |
Confirmed Error | Settings - Users/Privileges | JIRA - User template "update access to BU on users" | Updating user templates makes users connected to that template to lose permissions to business units, bug fixed. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5676 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Suppliers ledger | Checkbox for periodic allocation in the ledger | Checkboxes that create periodic allocations for the voucher attached to a ledger in Purchase - Purchase Ledger are now removed from the default layout since this functionality is not intended to work from this background. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5675 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Periodic allocation ID changes after creating it from voucher | Periodic allocation name from the Create voucher workflow gets changed after the voucher is saved, bug fixed | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5674 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Suppliers ledger | Transfer ldglog type between 10 and 100 | Missing OCR parameter added when transferring ledger logs for payments | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5672 |
Improvement | Reporting | JIRA Wish- Export report to PDF/You have to save before open | Report Central - a new popup window was added when exporting a report so the user can decide whether to open the report directly or save it to a file. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5671 |
Improvement | Reporting - Accounting | Header in report "vouchers missing", when "no data" | Accounting - Monthly Reports - "Missing vouchers/Saknade Verifikationer" report will show it's header with the filtering criteria even when it returns no data - requirement for auditing purposes, fixed. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5670 |
Confirmed Error | Other | JIRA - Error import Excel in VC14 | Error import Excel | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5667 |
Confirmed Error | Settings - Users/Privileges | Bug report Visma control 14 onprem- Privilege roles | Editing users that are attached to a role, regression fixed. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5661 |
Improvement | Supplier | Field for Number of Employees should med mandatory | Field for number of employees are now mandatory | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5656 |
Confirmed Error | Scheduler | Scheduler operation users | Scheduler - wrong user (dbo) set on the vouchers created by Periodic Allocation and Depreciation tasks, bug fixed. The same problem can occur when running the operations without the scheduler, if the user is dbo. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5650 |
Confirmed Error | Scheduler | Notifications from scheduler | Scheduler - notifications were shown in each database for a specific user making it hard to understand in which database was the task performed. Bug fixed, now the notifications are shown only in the relevant database. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5649 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Suppliers ledger | Ownertype and created by on stroken rows (WSP Norge) | Periodic allocation report - bug fixes for ownertype & created by on stroken rows | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5647 |
Improvement | Reporting - Accounting | Tax Reconciliation - Exclude accounts that have a tick in "VAT account" | Reporting - Accounting - Tax Reconciliation/Momsavstamning report - accounts that have the "vat account" checkbox checked are now excluded from the report. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5644 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | The expected VAT is calculated incorrectly in report "Tax Reconciliation" | Reporting - Accounting - Tax Reconciliation/Momsavstamning report - expected VAT amount calculation, bug fixed | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5630 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Invoices and sorting cause problems. | Bug exporting to Excel invoices from the Print Invoice tab when no prior sorting was made, fixed | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5627 |
Improvement | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Peppol FMI-code | Peppol - FMI code set on the customer in the "e-invoice settings" (e-invoice ID) will be sent as endpoint to the XML file (important for private persons) | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5614 |
Confirmed Error | Scheduler | Scheduler error messages have a bad timestamp and an incomplete message | Scheduler - incomplete message on the startpage for the scheduled tasks, fixed. Now there are more details about the errors, if any. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5600 |
Confirmed Error | Other | Colrows - Settings for column: Show does not save | Colrows - "Show" checkbox stauts in the row definitions cannot be saved, bug fixed. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5434 |
Improvement | Reports | New swedish regulation: Need to report days of payments for companies with less than 250 employees | New Swedish regulation for reporting payment times to suppliers | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5408 |
Confirmed Error | Scheduler | Scheduler stops working when the control service is restarted | Scheduler - new bug fixes for performing the scheduled tasks after the Control service is restarted. | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-5342 |
Confirmed Error | Fixed assets - Register | Balance Accounts mandatory for Taxable depreciations | " * " for balance accounts in the taxable depreciation tab removed since there is no booking for the taxable depreciation and the accounts shall not be mandatory to fill in | 2023.04.1 | CTRL-2653 |
Confirmed Error | User Management | User Management - when add/revoke consultant access the user should be added/removed from User group too | Granting access to consultant/support using User Management Portal, the user is added under the customer's master group too, to inherit the regional settings and oder customer configurations. Revoking access to consultant/support using User Management Portal, the user is removed from customer's master group too. | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-831 |
Confirmed Error | User Management | Possible to delete user that still has active workitems | It was possible to delete users that still had work items. This is corrected now. | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-829 |
Confirmed Error | User Management | User Management Portal - access to User management Portal only, is not working | It was not possible to grant access to user for User Manager Portal only, from inside the application. This is corrected. | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-787 |
Improvement | Import | JIRA Wish - Not be able to import an Excel-file twice | No longer possible to import the same Excel-file twice | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-786 |
Improvement | User Management | User Management - support which receives access permisions should be notified | Consultants/Support granted with access by customr from inside the User Management Portal will be notified through emails when access is granted or revoked. Notification contains details related to the action: information messages that access granted/revoked for tenant name, services, corresponding link to IM. | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-770 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | The account analysis report does not take deleted rows into account | Reporting - Accounting - Account Analysis/Kontoanalys report - improvements regarding the deleted voucher rows, they are included/excluded based on a new checkbox that was added but the totals are not influenced by those rows. Same behavior as in the search with the same name now. | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-768 |
Improvement | User Management | Revoke access for expired users | The access granted by customer to consultants and support through User Management Portal will be automatically revoked when the expiration date, set for the granted access, is reached. | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-762 |
Improvement | Settings - Users/Privileges | Removed possibility to create new users from inside Control Edge for tenants | Removed possibility to create new users from inside Control Edge for tenants | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-733 |
Improvement | Admin | User Management - Add template when a Control user is granted access to new database | User Management - Add template when a Control user is granted access to new database | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-732 |
Improvement | Scheduler | Bookkeep preliminary invoices | Scheduler - new activity added: bookkeep preliminary invoices. | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-630 |
Improvement | Scheduler | Transfer voucherlogs in the schedular | Scheduler - new activity added: Transfer Voucher logs | 2023.04.1 | CPLC-616 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Validate when create unit against : | Characters like : and ; are no longer allowed to be used in unit id and master unit name definition when they are created. For the existing units that already have them, the correction has to be done manually in the database only. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4963 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Wish to be able to search for OCRnr | A new field was added under invoice search criteria to be able to search for OCR. The OCR number is present in the search result and column selector and the corresponding column is sortable, resizable and removable. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4962 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Be able to set invoice category in step attest | From now it is possible to set or change invoice category on invoices in step "Attest" if the user has permissions to set invoice category. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4961 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Incomplete validation of the date in search and replace recurring templates in IMAdmin for date search criteria | There were dates which were not validated accordingly in different scenarios on Search and Replace for date in Recurring templates. This is corrected. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4959 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Batch approval displays wrong total when Danish is selected as application language. | When danish was selected as application language, wrong total amount was displayed when selecting invoices in batch attest. This is corrected. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4958 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Unit setting for no import of vat | Some companies are exempt from working with VAT. They only handle the gross amount on the invoice. For that, a new unit parameter is added to determine wether the VAT amount should be added or not on the invoice during import. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4957 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | New setting on supplier to ignore accounting reference on import of invoice | A new setting is added under Supplier/Extra info in Invoice Manager Admin, to determine whether the Coding Reference set on XML or manual invoices, should be considered on recurring invoice matching. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4955 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Column Auth sign is missing if you Print image and accounting when invoice is opened from Control | In some scenarios, the authorization column was not present on the printed invoice details. This is corrected. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4952 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | IM Administrator - Change user on Coding templates | From now it is possible to change the user on coding templates in Invoice Manager Administrator. The option is available under the edit template view and it can be used in accordance with the permissions level for coding templates set for the user. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4950 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Invoice search – no search result when column Domestic VAT is selected/marked | There was an error trown and no search result returned when sorting the invoice search results after Domestic VAT column. This is corrected. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4949 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | New setting to ignore Order-Id upon import of invoice | A new unit parameter named IgnoreOrdeIdAtImport, is added to determine whether the Order id on XML or manual invoices to be considered at import or not. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4948 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Save button isn't activated when adding an attachment/saving an agreement | The save button was not activated when navigating and changing agreement criterias. This is corrected now. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4945 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Supplier lookup fails when suppliername contains a single quote | Supplier lookup failed on supplier lookup during import if the supplier name contained quote. This is corrected. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4944 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Web Help Edge - support for swedish | The swedish translations of the web help files are available from now on Invoice Manager web. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4941 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Be able to set Invoice Category on invoices opened from Search | From now it is possible to set or change invoice category on invoices opened from invoice search results if the user has permissions to set invoice category. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4925 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Slowness in IM admin tool regarding Users | More performance improvements where implemented on Invoice Manager Admin regarding opening the user. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4868 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | IM Admin - Manual Invoice from Operation - Open in IE option should be changed | The caption of the button to open the selected image in the browser in Manual invoices/Operations from IM Admin tool points to Edge browser now instead of IE (Internet Explorer) which is no longer supported. | 2023.06.1 | IM-4845 |
Improvement | Reporting - System | Logging report with header | Reporting - System - Daily reports - Logging report. A new report that shows the content of the "logs" table was added. It shows the same content as Settings - System Settings - Logging Report | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5711 |
Confirmed Error | Autopay Integration | Control did not read the correct information in the VIP file | Autopay Integration - Incoming payments (VIP) - bug fix when payments in a foreign currency from an agreement in the same currency have a fee registered - amounts are correctly booked now. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5708 |
Improvement | General | Need for outlook (?) and wrong mailadresses in help-menu | Updated emailaddresses for Feedback and Support | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5705 |
Confirmed Error | Scheduler | Scheduler - Sending Invoices dont work | When sending invoices via the scheduler, there is a possibility to send daily all the invoices that have the current invoice date. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5702 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Customer have encountered a problem when copying invoices containing OCR | Sales - Create Invoice - bug fixed when copying invoices that contain an OCR number. Previously, in some cases, the OCR from the original invoice was copied which was not correct! | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5698 |
Improvement | Reporting | Remove logging reports from Report Central | Reporting - logging reports based on personregistryhistory table were removed since they became obsolete. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5688 |
Improvement | General | GLN as a required field | GLN is a required field for both customers and suppliers | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5683 |
Improvement | Scheduler | Scheduler - Be able to choose that invoice is sent on invoice date | Scheduler - the "Send Invoices" task was redesigned in order to be able to set it up to send the invoices daily. All invoices with invoice date = today will be sent, therefore the recommendation to be set to run in the evenings when all invoices of the day are prepared and bookkept! | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5682 |
Improvement | Sales - Register payments workflow | Matching Partial incomming payments | Improvements when matching partial incoming payments - amount is now set as the amount from file not the total amount of the ledger. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5636 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting | Selection of voucherserie for Approval shouldnt be possible | Approval series no longer possible to select in areas where it is not needed | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5608 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Search | Can't add one more group to Cash flow analysis | Accounting - Search - Cashflow analysis. Support added for 3 more additional cashflow groups. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5606 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Register | Numeric ID suppliers not compatible with Approval | Numeric ID's for suppliers can be used now even if there are suppliers sent to Approval that are not yet handled. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5582 |
Improvement | Accounting - Search | Liquidity Analysis with an interval of one month | Accounting - Search - Cashflow Analysis - interval for cashflow is a freetext filed that accepts numbers up to 255 instead of a dropdown with numbers between 1 and 27. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5557 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Register | No message when saving unbalanced autocoding | Autocodings - warning message added when trying to save unbalanced autocodings in order to prevent that. | 2023.06.1 | CTRL-5091 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | VATCostAccount in autoacc | The account used for VAT in auto account suggestion on import is changed to always be from standard propertyVAT. Either the same as the cost account or from the unit coding "VatCostAccount" depending on unit parameter settings. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-915 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Performance improvements on invoice loading | More performance improvements where implemented on Invoice Manager web regarding loading of case list, loading of invoice, navigate through invoices, batch attest. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-914 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Project VAT, account from Unit Coding | The account for expenses VAT was fetched from the invoice instead of the unit coding when "UseVatProjectOrigAccount" was set to 0. This is corrected. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-911 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | No update when changing unit on invoice | Changing the unit on invoice using the selection of it from the search dialogue didn't update the unit name accordingly nor removed the supplier and accounting lines. This is corrected. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-910 |
Improvement | Import | Error in Excelimport when celltype is formula | Excelimport files now handles formulas in some cells, like amount | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-909 |
Improvement | Integration | Inyett-integration, fetch number of employees via scheduler | A new integration that updates the number of employees on suppliers, through the integration via Inyett | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-898 |
Improvement | Import | SIE Import - disregard voucher number from the file | SIE Import - added the possibility to disregard the voucher numbers from the SIE files, all vouchers will have number 0 in the log and will get the next available number in the moment they are transferred. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-892 |
Improvement | Export | Export SIE-files to OneDrive | SIE-export now supports saving to OneDrive | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-885 |
Confirmed Error | Import | No voucher logs visible in Control | Improvements when importeing SIE-files and Excel-files as voucher logs. Sometimes they were not visible in the UI, that is fixed now | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-880 |
Confirmed Error | General | It isnt possible to select specific rows in register and search view. | Fixed a problem when selecting multiple rows with CTRL-click. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-873 |
Confirmed Error | Export | Not possbile to import Excel vouchers for BU:s that contains only numbers in the ID | Possible to import Excel vouchers to Business Units containing of only numbers | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-864 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Date format in agreement mails | From now swedish format (YYYY/MM/DD) is used on dates, when sending notifications for agreements in Invoice Manager. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-843 |
Confirmed Error | Reports | Wrong logo for Edge in Report Central | New logo for Report Central | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-807 |
Improvement | General | Timestamp columns must not allow NULL | Timestamp columns will no longer allow NULL-values in new databases | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-708 |
Improvement | Accounting | Currencyadaptation for Edge | A new functionality that updates the currency register automatically through the scheduler | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-563 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Privacy - User reminder related to free text fields | Tooltips or informational messages are added on free text fields, informing the user not to enter unnecessary personal or sensitive information. | 2023.06.1 | CPLC-297 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Can't select description field Agreement | It was not possible to select the description field for agreements by clicking on it. It worked though to reach the agreement description field by tabing. This is corrected, now both tab and direct click on the field will work for selection of agreement field. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-5078 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Send button inactive | The send button of the invoice was not always enabled when navigating through the invoices from PayOk list. This was improved. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-5022 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Improve translate file for PEPPOL to extract correct unit orgnr | More improvements have been made regarding the fields from where the organization number for the unit will be extracted during unit lookup at import on the peppol format. Both fields endpoint id and company id can be interpretted. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-5018 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Datepickers doesn't display the correct week number | Date picker from "search invoice" and "manage substitutes" stated on a Sunday and showed the wrong week number. This is corrected. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-5016 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Consistency on label names | Both, the name of the permissions for setting invoice category in SV, in IM Admin/Permissions/Invoice and the Faxnumber were changed to be consistent with how they are presented on Invoice Manager web. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-5014 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Headline in Swedish for money to receive is misspelled for Peppol bis 3 creditnote | The headline in Swedish for money to receive was misspelled for Peppol bis 3 creditnote. This is corrected. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-5011 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | InMoment | New feature for you customers to leave feedback on Control Edge. This feature is available in the user portal and Invoice Manager. A question will appear at the bottom of the screen at random intervals. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-4970 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Different capitalizations on text in coding grid | In the Invoice Manager case lists, when language Englished used, there was a difference on capitalization for the word reference. This is corrected and consistently displayed with capital "R". | 2023.09.1 | DCE-4969 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | IM Mobile - Object value does not exist | When the accounting lines on invoice contained objects with invalid values, there was an error reported when tried to display them on mobile solution. Invalid values are allowed in system when the object is set accordingly in Invoice Manager Administrator in 'Accounts and objects' to Validate=0. This is corrected, the values are displayed accordingly. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-4956 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Supplier lookup - only use combination values | More improvements have been made regarding supplier lookup. A new system paremeter named CombinationOnlySupplierLookup. It was introduced to determine wethear the standard supplier lookup should be used or only combined values should be supported when supplier lookup takes place. The supported combinations are: GLN+BGnr/PGnr, ORGnr+BGnr/PGnr, VATnr+BGnr/PGnr, Name+BGnr/PGnr. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-4933 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Remove accrual/periodic allocation when Copy from Excel | When function copy from excel was used to copy accounting over existing accounting lines with accrual set, did not remove accrual and, the periodic and accrual amount, did no longer match. This is corrected and accrual is reset when copy from excel, consistent with the other copy accounting functions (Search and Copy or Copy from Template). | 2023.09.1 | DCE-4797 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Suggested user removed when deleting copy | Preselected user was no longer presented in Validate Coding and Validate Objects on sending the invoice further in the flow if there was a copy of the invoice sent to the same user and removed before continuing the flow. This is corrected. | 2023.09.1 | DCE-4743 |
Confirmed Error | Settings - Users/Privileges | Privilegie roles doesn't work | User privileges - bug fixes when privilege roles are used. | 2023.09.1 | CTRL-5761 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Operation | Not possible to recalculate year end balance | Accounting - Operations - Recalculate balance operation works fine now even if some entities (business unit, objects) are closed and have postings on a later date. | 2023.09.1 | CTRL-5746 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Register | Problems when trying to lock voucher series | Selection problems in grouped datagrids, fixed | 2023.09.1 | CTRL-5727 |
Confirmed Error | Other | Deadlock in Control database | Performance improvements regarding deadlocks in the database | 2023.09.1 | CTRL-5642 |
Confirmed Error | Other | Color format is missing in Edge | Color formatting based on rules in datagrids available again! | 2023.09.1 | CTRL-5592 |
Improvement | Other | Scheduler recurring minutes | Added the functionality to set scheduled tasks to recurring minutes if needed. | 2023.09.1 | CTRL-5395 |
Improvement | Sales - Sales ledger | Wrong status if invoice was locked | "Locked for reminders" sales ledgers will be updated to status = "Paid" once the payment is completed manually - bug fixed for a particular case when the serial number was entered manually and not loaded into the grid. | 2023.09.1 | CTRL-4076 |
Improvement | Other | Attachment size and type limitation when sent to Approval | Attachments improvement - when a file is attached to something sent to Approval, the maximum accepted size is 3MB/file and the accepted file types are pdf and png. When a file is attached to Control only (no Approval) the maximum size is 10 MB/file and the accepted types are: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, odt, pdf, png, rtf, tif, tiff, xls, xlsx, zip | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-1018 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | When ordering VAT report for several BU, it shows wrong amount when you click on a specific BU | Reporting - VAT report, amounts not shown correctly when filtering for several business units, bug fixed. | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-1008 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Purchase (suppliers) | Error message when producing report Supply Information | Reporting – Purchase – Reconciliation – “Supplier Info” report, bug fixes and updates according to regulations | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-1003 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Invoice Manager - Batch Attest/PayOk - locked invoices remaining | When using Batch Attest or Batch PayOK in Invoice Manager web, the invoices from the list were no longer locked when lists displayed in both Batch Attest and Batch PayOK. In return, some of the invoices selected and sent from both Batch Attesst and Batch PayOK remained locked after the action completed and they were released after the automatic unlock period elapsed. This is corrected. | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-962 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Workflow-tab on invoice in IM shows same thing multiple times | Some of the items in the Invoice Manager workflow tab were displayed multiple times. This is corrected. | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-903 |
Improvement | Other | Excel import setting default values | Excel Import - a new button was added when creating templates to fill the type column with "columnindex" and values starting from 1 on each row. The button is located in the right bottom corner, next to the save cand cancel buttons. | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-874 |
Improvement | User Management | User Management - Deleting user with IM work items, from users list, displays the user edit | Logged in user was redirected to selected user edit view when tried to use the trash icon for removing the user directly from case list and the user still had assigned items in Invoice Manager. This is improved now and application remains in user list view when error is returned. | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-849 |
Improvement | Other | Handle UTC timezone that is default for Azure SQL | Sometimes the timestamp was wrong in Azure, this is corrected | 2023.09.1 | CPLC-818 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Change tag for creditnote due date | Due date for credit invices sent in the PEPPOL BIS 4 format is now extracted from the tag PaymentDueDate | 2023.11.1 | DCE-5095 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | New users cant create Roles in masterunit - DCE/IM | Users created after a Master Unit was created, couldn't add roles to the Master Unit even if they had proper rights configured. This was fixed. | 2023.11.1 | DCE-5086 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Reccurring Templates - Search and Replace does not update Signature | Check and Approval signatures are now updated on the accounting rows on the template if you use either Find next and replace or Replace All. | 2023.11.1 | DCE-5080 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Edge IM Mobile - Interface improvements | The interface of the mobile application for Invoice Manager is changed, improved and modernized in accordance with the vision for Control Edge and the new brand used in the cloud. | 2023.11.1 | DCE-4974 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Wish for parameter to disable inherit attest amount | There is a new unit parameter called UseInheritAttestAMountsForSubstitues and it states if the user attest amount should be inherited by the substitute (1) or not (0) | 2023.11.1 | DCE-4869 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Invoice search when same Visma Control databas | When several units in Invoice Manager points to same Control Edge database for a specific users, when 'All Units' is selected as option in 'Invoice Search Extended' view, the 'Unit Specific' criterias are enabled and user can search for all values in Control Edge for each 'Unit Specific' criteria. | 2023.11.1 | DCE-2733 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Wish - Accrual not on VAT row | There has been a second level added to the permissions to performing accrual in accounting lines. The levels are level 0 - No permission, level 1 - Permission to perform accrual only on accounting lines which doesn't contain VAT account, level 2 - Permission to perform accrual on all lines, including lines which contain VAT account. VAT accounts are accounts that are marked for VAT in the control account registry. | 2023.11.1 | DCE-2373 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Search | When the customer wants to print one verification afterwards, she sees "no output". But when she change to "all" then it appears. | Accounting - Search - when printing an already existing voucher username parameter is parsed case sensitive, fixed. | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5804 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Reconciliation workflow | Bank account reconciliation - wrong Autopay closing balance | Accounting - Bank Account Reconciliation workflow, several bug fixes: when reading VAS files, for closing Autopay balance. | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5783 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Attached document doesnt follow when turning the voucher | Attachments - bug fixed when turning a voucher manually, now the attachments follow to the new voucher. | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5781 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Reconciliation workflow | Approval vouchers is shown in Bank Account reconciliation, | Accounting – Bank Account Reconciliation workflow, vouchers on Approval series not shown anymore for reconciliation, bug fixed | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5776 |
Confirmed Error | Reports | User can not take out report Supplier info for longer period | Reporting - "Supplier info" report, bug fixed when report is run for longer periods | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5775 |
Improvement | Colrows | JIRA Wish - Colrows/Control question before delete | Colrows - confirmation popup added before deleting a row or a column definition | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5721 |
Confirmed Error | Start Page | JIRA - Error message "Den angivna nyckeln finns inte i uppslagslistan" | Manually booked payments with status "paid in Autopay, error in Control" will be updated to "paid" and will disappear from the start page, bug fixed | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5685 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Register | Function missing | Sales - Customers register, checkbox for "do not check orig.inv.no" added back and working fine. | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5562 |
New Feature | Purchase - Register payments workflow | When using cashpool the bank account ( ie1930) also gets motpart (Counterpart) | Autopay – cashpool usage – improvements to the way vouchers are created on mother/daughter companies in different scenarios | 2023.11.1 | CTRL-5236 |
Confirmed Error | Import | Excelimport - wrong value in efact settings | Excel Import - bug fixes in the e-invoicing settings import | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1238 |
Improvement | User Management | User Management - Number of users | Number of users shown in the list and total number of users in User Management is now presented in the bottom of the list | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1205 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Reconciliation workflow | Show both header and row attachments in Account Reconciliation workflow | Accounting - Account reconciliation - bug fixed regarding attachments, when there are attachments both on the header and on some of the rows of the voucher (not all rows) | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1195 |
Improvement | Import | Excelimport - Error in importing Excelsheet | Excel Import - bug fix when imported data contains the ' character | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1190 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Save a copy of a voucher with an attachment | Attachments - bug fixed when copying a voucher that went through the Approval process, now the attachments follow to the new voucher and can be sent again to Approval. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1180 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Add label text before all values in email | The notification sent for invoices by the SendMail cheduled job includes now labels for the displayed details. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1174 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | MaximumDocumentUploadSize | Size limit for attachments is set to 20 MB and applied on code level. The size specified in the web.config file is no longer considered nor used. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1171 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Default message should not contain user based text input in E-mail notification on IM | Due to security reasons, the default information sent on notifications for invoices and agreements should not contain user based text input. In accordance, for invoice notification, the default message contains details about: invoice id, supplier id, supplier name, amount, end date and for agreement notification, the default message contains details about: agreement name, supplier, agreement number, agreement ID, notice period, end date. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1167 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Default message should not contain links in E-mail notification on IM | A new system setting, called IncludeUrlInEmail, is added to determine wether the URL for DCE web application is included or not in the emails sent to users for invoices and/or agreement. For security reasons it is recommended that URL to not be included in the emails. By default, the parameter it is set to false and the URL (provided in config file) it is not included in the emails. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1166 |
Confirmed Error | Account | It takes a long time to load some specific accounts in account reconciliation | Accounting - Account Reconciliation background - performance improvements when there is a large number of attachments on the rows to be loaded. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1151 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Search | JIRA - Attachment not shown in field OLE | Accounting - Search Voucher rows - bug fixed regarding attachments that are not seen on the voucher rows if the attachment belongs to the voucher header. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1137 |
Confirmed Error | Settings - Users/Privileges | Administrator is no longer SA user in Control Edge | Privileges - Logging - users with ADMIN on "Settings - Logging administration" are able to add/remove logging triggers, regression from previous deployment - fixed. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1129 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Configure the unit parameter IgnoreOrderIdAtImport | The unit parameter, called IgnoreOrderIdAtImport, is set to 1 (Order Id will be ignored at import) and has to be changed to 0 from Invoice Manager Administrator/Unit parameters if wanted for the order id to be considered and mapped on the invoice. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1096 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | "Update to printed"-setting not saved | Sales - Invoicing - Print Invoices - previously used value remembered for "update to printed" checkbox | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1083 |
Improvement | Import | Excelimport - Vatcode | Excel import - fixes regarding the usage of vatcode | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1074 |
Improvement | User Management | User Management - Batch migration - verify IMuserID exists in IM db if used | When batch migration is performed in the User Management Portal, by the consultants during the migration to cloud process, for the Invoice Manager users, only users that meet match conditions on both userid and email, in the Invoice Manager database, will be imported/migrated. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1070 |
Confirmed Error | File Transfer | Error in File transfer when uploading sie-fil | It was not possible to upload an SIE file in the application File Transfer when the file name contained a quotation mark. This is corrected. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1069 |
Confirmed Error | Attachments | Privilege bug in attachments | Permissions bug fixed related to adding/removing attachments to/from existing vouchers. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1036 |
Confirmed Error | JIRA - Swedish spelling mistakes | (SWE) spelling errors fixed in colrows and different hover over labels. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1022 | |
Improvement | Reports | JIRA Wish - Total amount on Period allocations specification | Reporting - "Periodic allocations, specification" report improved by adding total amounts. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1014 |
Improvement | Accounting - Search | JIRA Wish - Column format "Acc amount" when exporting to Excel | Accounting - Search Voucher rows - bug fixed regarding the formatting of the "accumulated amount" column when exported to Excel. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-1005 |
Improvement | Integation | Inyett-integration, automatically create customer and supplier | Users can now create suppliers and customers directly via Inyetts API. Just add the organisation number and fetch from Inyett. | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-899 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Date/time is logged -1 h in the workflow of an invoice in DCE. | Date/time is now logged according to CET time | 2023.11.1 | CPLC-391 |
Confirmed Error | Attachments | Attachment deletion no longer works | Bug fixes for attachments added on already existing items (e.g. vouchers) | 2023.11.2 | CPLC-1299 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Error when editing a voucher that has attachments | Bug fixes for attachments added on already existing items (e.g. vouchers) | 2023.11.2 | CPLC-1298 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Can't add attachment to existing verification | Bug fixes for attachments added on already existing items (e.g. vouchers) | 2023.11.3 | CPLC-1316 |
Confirmed Error | User Management | User Management Failed reset of MFA | There is currently no Microsoft Graph API endpoint to reset all the user's MFA and we have to reset each method individually, we have added manual handling of this exception to delete the default authentication method last. | 2023.11.4 | CPLC-1342 |
Improvement | User Management | Streamline loading of support/consultant data | The amount of data loaded for the Manage Support Network page has been reduced, which has decreased the loading time. | 2023.11.4 | CPLC-1339 |
Confirmed error | Invoice Manager | Objectrelations not updated correctly when fetchted from Control | When Invoice Manager has a configuration with more units pointing to different databases in Control and there is a relation set on one of the databases in Control, when the sync job was run to synchronize the object dependency, the relation was added on all the units from Invoice Manager inclusively to those pointing to other databases. This is corrected. | 2023.11.5 | CPLC-1408 |
Improvement | API | Cancellation from Rillion | Improvments when cancelling an invoice from Rillion via the API | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1335 |
Confirmed Error | API | Changes of the create-customer-ledger-with-voucherrows endpoint | The "free text" and "notes" fields on a header of a ledger when created through the API | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1266 |
Improvement | API | Articlecode when you create an invoice via the endpoint /api /invoicelog /create- invoicelog-customer-details, | Price of the article possible to get from API. Endpoint is /api /invoicelog /create- invoicelog-customer-details | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1249 |
Improvement | API | New endpoint: Budgettype | New endpoint for Budgettype in the API. Gets the budgettype based on the physical number. Endpoint is: /api/budgettype/get-budgettype-by-physical-number | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1221 |
Confirmed Error | API | Attribute for discount added in the endpoint/api/invoicelog/create- | Discount added as endpoints in the API for api/invoicelog/create-invoicelog-customer-details | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1210 |
Improvement | API | API actions username in loggingreports | User name is shown in Logging reports | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1193 |
Confirmed Error | API | Object relations not available in Control Edge API | Object relations now available in the API | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1152 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | IM Mobile - Update case list automatically when changes occurs | When changes occurred in the case list on the mobile application like sending an invoice to a different user or step, the case list was not updated as expected and the item was not removed from the case list. This is improved. On refreshing or changing the queue filter, page, or view, the list will be updated. | 2024.02.1 | DCE-5105 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | IM Mobile - Add 'NoPDF' image to be used when image should not be displayed | For the invoices marked as secret and those for which the associated PDF is missing will be used specific icons for the suggested state instead of the 'NoPDF' image. | 2024.02.1 | DCE-5104 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | DCE/IM Mobile - supported languges as in main app | Only English and Swedish was supported as language translations. This was corrected, now all languages supported on IM are supported on mobile too: swedish, english, danish, finnish, norwegian. | 2024.02.1 | DCE-5035 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice | Save button isn't activated when adding an attachment/saving an invoice | Save button was not activated every time when adding an attachment to a definitive booked invoice if cache had been emptied. | 2024.02.1 | DCE-4810 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Supplier lookup against IBAN number | Supplier lookup functionality for Control integration has been improved. A matched against IBAN number is supported in both combination with other value and as a single value, as we have for BankGiro or PlusGiro. | 2024.02.1 | DCE-4260 |
Improvement | Integration | Column for net amount in search results | A new column, Net Amount, was added in the invoice search results to display the corresponding net amount. By default, the column is enabled and visible in search results, but the field is present in the column selector therefore it can be disabled if needed or wanted. | 2024.02.1 | DCE-1501 |
Confirmed Error | Export | " } " is missing as a last sign in Siefile. Sie Export latest version | A end charachter was missing as last sign from SIE-files when exporting certain SIE-files | 2024.02.1 | CTRL-5830 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | adaptions when it comes to sales/invoices. | Sales - Invoice logs, bug fixed when OCR is added to invoices created out of logs. No OCR will be added anymore after transferring the log. | 2024.02.1 | CTRL-5816 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Register payments workflow | Match incoming payments using Cashpool VC14 | Sales - VIP payments - payment account not fetched correctly when cashpool is used, bug fixed. | 2024.02.1 | CTRL-5801 |
Confirmed Error | Logging | JIRA - Filter Update date on Log Reports | Logging - Logging report, filtering on threshold for dates, bug fixed | 2024.02.1 | CTRL-5589 |
Confirmed Error | Logging | Logging - supplier template not working properly | Logging - bug fixed when logging address changes both for suppliers and customers. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1508 |
Confirmed Error | Fixed assets - Property tax | Property tax only in the accounting and not on the asset. | Fixed assets - Property tax - bug fixed for property tax saving, when the underlying accounts require objects that are not provided. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1497 |
Improvement | Export | Failed to export user | Clarification in message when exporting a user to visma.net | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1442 |
Improvement | Supplier | Rename SupplierRegister queue to express both supplier regiter and unit register | The Supplier Register queue has been renamed to Import deviation queue for expressing in a better way the options and actions that can be taken in this step, mainly supplier register and unit register, when supplier lookup or unit lookup fails. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1419 |
Improvement | Accounting - Operation | Change text in recalculate balance | Clarification in message when recalculating the balance | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1410 |
Confirmed Error | AutoInvoice integration | Sending invoices to Autoinvoice does not work | AutoInvoice integration - the group entry SERVICE value is now trimmed, spaces before and after are removed. This problem caused the integration to fail if there was a space in the value. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1390 |
Improvement | User Management | Move filtering of user list from server-side to client-side | The performance when using the search field in user list is now improved | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1341 |
Confirmed Error | Approval Integration | Attachments to voucher do not follow voucher into Approval | Attachments from voucher rows now go to Approval | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1338 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Handle Unit lookup failure | The import of the invoice failed and the invoice ended up in the import error folder when the unit lookup failed on import due to incomplete configuration of unit details in Invoice Manager or incorrect details regarding unit lookup criteria set on the invoice. This is improved. Even when unit lookup fails the invoice will be imported and will land in Import deviation queues. The invoice will have no supplier set, no accounting and the unit label will be red and a validation triggered which will disable the save option until a unit is selected. The unit field will contain a value that mentions the missing unit. A proper system message is displayed in the System log list. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1334 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Handle missing currency | When the currency configured on the invoice was missing from the system (Control), the import of the invoice failed and the invoice ended up in the import error folder and had to be handled like adding the missing currency or changing the invoice currency and re-importing the invoice. This is improved. When the currency configured on the invoice is missing from the system (Control), the import of the invoice will work and the invoice will land in the Arrival step with a proper message displayed in the system messages list, the amount label will be red and the validation of the missing currency is triggered until the currency is added in the system. Once the new currency is added, the invoice has to be re-loaded and validation will be automatically removed. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1333 |
Confirmed Error | Approval Integration | JIRA - All info is not visible if you open Approval from the hotbar | More info visible inside Control Edge when opening Approval from the hotbar | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1325 |
Improvement | Integration | Change API for Currency update | Connects to the new API from Riksbanken | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1300 |
Confirmed Error | Screen | Resolution on screen | Sometimes the resolution could cause black spots on the screen, this was solved by MicroSoft | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1280 |
Improvement | User Management | Add confirmation when resetting MFA | When a user did an MFA reset from the User Management Portal there was a delay until the action was completed without any visible progress on the interface level. This generated confusion for the users therefore this was improved by adding a spinner which will be displayed while waiting for MFA to be reset. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1276 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Save button isn't activate when writing message on defbokade invoice | Save button was not activated every time when adding an attachment to a definitive booked invoice if the user action was quicker than the proper loading of the components in page. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1260 |
Improvement | Integration Approval | Feature request - Name of the approver (suppliers) | In the window for preliminary suppliers, the name of the Approver is now visible instead of the ID | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1244 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Project vat - vat-% isn't shown when using different group in Control | If you have activated project vat and the group number to where to fetch the vat percentage for the project is different than the group number you use for property vat the vat percentage is now shown correctly under accounts and objects under the unit settings in Invoice Manager Admin. | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1203 |
Improvement | Voucher | Feature request - When selecting an account i Edit voucher log, fetch VAT-code | When editing a voucher log, the VAT is fetched from the account if it exist on the account | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1147 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting | JIRA - Log report approved suppliers | In the logging report, the Approver of a Supplier is now visible | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1146 |
Improvement | Integration | Inyett. Create new Customer and Supplier | Some mapping issues were solved when creating new customer and suppliers via the Inyett-API . | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1089 |
Confirmed Error | Screen | A line on the screen after update (before it didnt occured) | Sometimes a line appeared on the screen, that is solved now | 2024.02.1 | CPLC-1075 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Corrupt pdf in zip-file when you download invoice images from Search invoices in the web | Some of the invoice images could not be opened when downloaded from search results due to being declared corrupted. This is corrected. | 2024.04.1 | DCE-5122 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Recurring templates with accrual - Error :"Attempted to divide by zero." | Importing an invoice that matches a recurring template configured with a periodic allocation with Relative start date = -1 and Number of periods = 1, was stopped in the Arrival step with a system error message due to a limitation in the system related to the number of days for the February month. This is improved. | 2024.04.1 | DCE-5118 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Add column in search invoice for arrival date | The invoice search results overview has been improved by adding the "Arrival date" column to the search results. | 2024.04.1 | DCE-5116 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Improve description for unit parameter UseInheritAttestAmountsForSubstitutes | The description for the unit parameter UseInheritAttestAmountsForSubstitutes has been improved. | 2024.04.1 | DCE-5103 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Only create new accounting row if there's a remaining amount to code. | A user settings has been added so that when coding an invoice the user can select if it should only create a new accounting row when there is a remaining amount to code on the invoice when moving through the invoice line using Tabb or Enter. | 2024.04.1 | DCE-4806 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Wish - header with expire in Check and Authorization | A user settings has been added so that when coding an invoice the user can select if it should only create a new accounting row when there is a remaining amount to code on the invoice when moving through the invoice line using Tabb or Enter. | 2024.04.1 | DCE-3137 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | User that printed is not in the report Closing Reconciliation | Reporting - Closing reconciliation report, username shown in the header of the report, fixed. | 2024.04.1 | CTRL-5849 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | Issues with the general ledger 3 Obj and General ledger obj reports | Reporting – General ledger, 3 objects, performance improvement for databases with many objects | 2024.04.1 | CTRL-5814 |
Improvement | Reporting - Accounting | Drill down in the Norwegian VAT report | Drill down possibility in Norweigian VAT report | 2024.04.1 | CTRL-5799 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting | Control very slow at month break | Overall performance improvements for large databases & many integrations that run continuously. Mainly in the Accounting module but not only there, also in Sales and Purchase in some areas. | 2024.04.1 | CTRL-5664 |
Confirmed Error | Performance | Performance in Control database | Performance improvements regarding Control database | 2024.04.1 | CTRL-5642 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | Report verifikationsgodkännare/ voucher approvers | Permissions issue fixed for the Accounting - Voucher Approvers report. | 2024.04.1 | CTRL-4762 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | No mail sent to out when new/edit reccuring invoice template | There were no notifications sent out when recurring templates were changed to the users configured as attestant on the recurring template and had the notification enabled. This is corrected. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1709 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | IM - Preselected unit for users with only one unit access no longer works since Import Deviation | Preselected unit for users having access to only one unit no longer worked after introducing the Import Deviation functionality. This is corrected. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1692 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | IM - Option to delete an invoice in Import deviation is missing if supplier and currency code is can't be found | It was not possible to delete an invoice from "Import deviation" which had also a missing currency, the "Other action" button with the delete option was disabled. This is corrected, now any invoice from "Import deviation" queue should be possible to be deleted. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1690 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | DeadlineCheck start time should be configurable | A new parameter is added in the workflow service config file, called "DeadlineCheckerScheduledStartTimes", used to specify the timestamp when the deadline check task to start. By default the parameter is configured to midnight and supports values in format "hh:mm". Parameter support multiple valuse which will force the task to be run multiple times. When there is no value configured the task wil be paused. Proper messages regarding its configuration are posted in the workflow trace when the service is started. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1679 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Reconciliation workflow | AutoPay Bank Account Reconciliation | Accounting - Bank account reconciliation, duplicate rows seen for Autopay transactions in some cases, bug fixed. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1660 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | ImportNoVat doesn't work with invoices sent from Import deviation when unitlookup failed | The parameter ImportNoVat was not interpreted correctly if configured on a selected unit, it was disregarded when used on selected units for invoices in Import deviation and invoices were sent in Arrival with a VAT value. This is corrected. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1658 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Operation | Canceled transaction based automatic accounting is made when performing balance based | Bug fixed when performing balance based autocodings when transactional autocodings with the same ID also exists. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1619 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | IM - Property VAT rows not deleted when using "accrual" | There was a problem that the child rows connected to a row where VAT allocation had been performed wasn't removed when accrual was applied using the Accrual button. This has been corrected. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1608 |
Confirmed Error | API | Duplicates when reading from API Endpoint: Get-voucher-by-date for some customers | Duplicates could sometimes appear when reading from API Endpoint: Get-voucher-by-date for some customers. This is solved | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1607 |
Improvement | API | Get-object-by-id to look at xobjectclientx | Only objects that belong to a Business unit is fetched in the endpoint: /api/object/get-object-by-id | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1510 |
Improvement | User | Cannot create Balance sheet or Incomestatemen for a new user in EDGE | Users created in User Management could sometimes not create reports, problem is solved by setting a language (SWE) on the users. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1509 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Wish - Increase max characters in "Category" in IM Administrator | The maximum number of allowed characters for the "Category" field in Invoice Manager Administrator has been increased to 20. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1502 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Wish - Add "Category" to search result in IM web | The invoice search results overview has been improved by adding the "Invoice Category" column to the search results. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1501 |
Confirmed Error | API | Suppliers ID and name not included in the accrual costing process | Freetext (supplier id; supplier name) on periodic allocations created through the API, fixed. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1457 |
Improvement | API | Add endpoints to POST in container endpoints | New endpoints for POST in container. Can for instance be used for posting Budget posts | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1447 |
Improvement | Performance | Performance improvement on get voucher rows on large database | Performance improvements on Get Voucher rows | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1429 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Suppliers ledger | Timestamp on reverse book is one hour before def book | Timestamp on reversal voucher, when definitively booking register arrivals, corrected. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1388 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Recurring templates, Search and replace, Start date and End date is not replaced | 'Search and Replace' functionality in recurring templates for dates, did not work properly to update the suggested values. This is corrected. | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1319 |
Improvement | Legal | Swedish legal changes | Support for Dora and Nis2 | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1097 |
Improvement | Reporting - Fixed assets | JIRA Wish - Total amount on Fixed assets reports | Total amount at the end of Fixed assets reports | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-1020 |
Improvement | Purchase - Ledger reconciliation workflow | Filter on several BU in Purchase and Sales reconciliation | Filter on multiple Business Units in Purchase and Sales reconciliation | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-998 |
Improvement | Reporting - Purchase (suppliers) | JIRA Wish - Total amount on reconcile reports in Report Central (supplier) | Total amount on Supplier reconcile reports | 2024.04.1 | CPLC-997 |
Improvement | API | Perf improvement on get voucher rows on large database | Performance improvements on the endpoint Get Voucher rows | 2024.04.2 | CPLC-1429 |
Improvement | API | Calculation of exchange rate on foreign amount | Calculation of exchange rate on foreign amount. When posting Foreign amount in the API a calculation based on the exchange rate in Control Edge is done. | 2024.04.2 | CPLC-1551 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | UM/IM - Able to connect to multiple tenants | The access to Invoice Manager web was not supported for a user with multiple domiciles (access to more customers) in Control Edge. This is improved. Now a user will have access to Invoice Manager to all customers for which the access has been granted. | 2024.04.3 | CPLC-1734 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | No account rows are visible in batch approval | There were no accounts row displayed on invoices selected in Batch Attest or Batch Pay OK when there was an inconsistency regarding the user id which was saved with low letters in Invoice Manager but with capital letters on User Management. This is corrected. When a user is created from User Management, the user id will always be saved with low letters and the inconsistency related to letter size will no longer be considered in validation of the user id. | 2024.04.3 | CPLC-1125 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Validation of account or object relations doesn't consider NULL value | There was a issue in check or attest steps when adding an new accounting row with account that either had object relations in IM or settings in Control for always, optional, never then the first object level wasn't validated correctly. This is now resolved | 2024.04.4 | CPLC-1773 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Validation of attachment in IM: More info in message when attachment contains invalid characters | When uploaded attachments that didn't pass the validation, a generic error was thrown that the file cannot be uploaded without any other specifications. This has been improved. In addition to the generic error, the reason why the file could not be uploaded like: file size, file extension, file name, has been added. | 2024.06.1 | DCE-5117 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Add column in invoice search for import date | Import date has been added as a column in the invoice search result list. The field is visible in column selector, is sortable and movable. User settings are restored to default and the column will be visible after the arrival date. | 2024.06.1 | DCE-4604 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Extend field for Unit and supplier information | The fields for the unit and supplier on invoice details are to small to display the full name, so, in order to improve the experience and to be able to identify the details corrcetly, tooltips have been added which include both id and name for each of the mentioned fields. | 2024.06.1 | DCE-4532 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Number of signs in field "Voucher 1" and "Voucher 2" in a voucher | Extended the fields Voucher 1 and Voucher 2 in voucher workflow | 2024.06.1 | CTRL-5778 |
Confirmed Error | Approval Integration | Clearing number not sent to Approval (suppliers) | Clearing number was sometimes not sent to Approval, fixed | 2024.06.1 | CTRL-5669 |
Confirmed Error | Start Page | Message recipient Scheduler | When sending messages from scheduler to multiple recipients, didn't work, now it's fixed | 2024.06.1 | CTRL-5066 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Whitelist the ".eml" format for attachments | The .eml format has been white-listed and now is supported as extension for the attachments. | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1777 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Remove possibility to create/remove users from IM Admin interface | It was possible to create and remove users from invoice manager but the actions were not handled in a correct way and affected the user creation and user deletion from User Management. This is corrected, the options have been removed. User creation and deletion should be performed just from User Management Portal | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1767 |
Confirmed Error | Fixed assets | Problem with choosing object under activate asset | Issue fixed when choosing object under Activate Asset, and objects wasn't visible | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1744 |
Improvement | Import | Field for exchange rate in Excel import settings | Exchange rate added when importing vouchers from Excel. 1. If exchangerate, currency, amount and foramount is in the file,just save the row as is. 2. If exchangerate, currency and amount is in the file, then calculate foramount. 3. If exchangerate, currency and foramount is in the file, then calculate amount. 4. If exchangerate isn't supplied then the import has to get the rate from the database and then calculate the amounts. | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1675 |
Confirmed Error | Import | Misleading error message | Import voucher logs - misleading error message regarding wrong VAT code when the problem is the account that does not exist, fixed. | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1545 |
Improvement | Voucher | Adapted background that checks if foramount balances when creating voucher | A new check introduced to see if Foreign amount balances when creating a voucher | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1529 |
Confirmed Error | Scheduler | Message Recipeint is not saved in scheduler | When sending messages to users with a (-) in the user name, it didn't work from the scheduler. Fixed | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1524 |
Improvement | System | Feature Request - Save the last language entered at login | Last logged in language saved for next time | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1500 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Search | Filter by username that contain a dash (-) in id doesn't work | Fixed an issue where you were not able to search in the accounting - search voucherrows on a user with "-" in the username. | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1496 |
Improvement | API | Create a FAQ for API | FAQ for the API created and placed on the Community under Kunskapsbank (login needed) | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1290 |
Improvement | Logging | Spelling mistake in report Logs | Spelling mistake in the report Log fixed | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1185 |
Confirmed Error | Report | The log report in report-central is missing information. | Reporting – System – Daily Reports – Logs report, different improvements and bug fixes | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1162 |
Improvement | Reporting | Electronic VAT-report | VAT-report created as a file | 2024.06.1 | CPLC-1030 |
Confirmed Error | Autopay Integration | No VSR-files downloaded and suppliers do not show in Approval | bug fixed regarding xml file serialization | 2024.06.2 | CTRL-5881 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Register payments workflow | Bookdate for their incoming payments ÅHS | Autopay - bug fixed regarding the usage of value date instead of bookdate for Finnish business units for incoming payments (VIP). | 2024.06.2 | CTRL-5874 |
Confirmed Error | Currency | Scheduler - Update currency don't work | Currency updater - bug that affected a few tenants, fixed. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1978 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Performance problems when opening a voucher | View voucher secondary background - performance improved (after regression) when trying to open vouchers with a large amount of rows. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1972 |
Improvement | Accounting - Voucher | Voucher attachments should not use period value | The attachments for a voucher should be displayed regardless of the value for the period, the same as we have for voucher rows. This change is needed because the API endpoint for adding attachments for vouchers will not have a period parameter. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1911 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Users with access to Import Deviation queue must have import deviation unit user | New users that got access to the import deviation que where missing access to the temporary unit that is used for the step and could therefor not see invoices in that step. This is now resolved. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1903 |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Voucher workflow | Warning for incorrect foreign amount total on vouchers that do not have this problem | Fixed by reverting the implementation of CTRL-1529 (Check if Foreign amount balances). | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1902 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Suppliers ledger | Unhandled exception when printing payment orders | Unhandled exception (error) when printing payment orders after changing databases, fixed. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1901 |
Confirmed Error | Other | Login - Edge | Login issues - regression from keeping the previously used language - fixed. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1897 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Create payments workflow | Error when paying if same ID is for both Business Unit and Supplier | Problems matching banks if the supplier has the same ID as an existing business unit - fixed. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1892 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Register payments workflow | Payment account | Register incoming payments - payment account not prefilled anymore in some cases, fixed. | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1772 |
Improvement | API | /api/object/create-update-object set optional on relations | When a new object is created the relations to other object are set to optional as default | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1654 |
Confirmed Error | API | Invoice deletion | Possible to delete supplier invoices via the API | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1439 |
Improvement | API | Endpoint request: Articleprice | New endpoint for article price | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1387 |
Improvement | API | Not possible to get the price of article | New endpoint: api/article/price_x000D_ Parameters: articleId, customerId_x000D_ Returns: List of articleprice (articleId, currency, price, swap price, swap date) based on customer pricelist from person table | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1254 |
Improvement | API | Add create attachments to API-endpoints | Possible to add attachments via the API. For the following enteties:_x000D_ Vouchers, voucher logs, Invoice, Invoicelogs, Ledger, Ledgerlogs, Assets | 2024.06.2 | CPLC-1141 |
Improvement | API | Wish for xtop to be available as an endpoint in API | Terms of Payment available as new endpoint. Get only. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1153 |
Improvement | API | New endpoint for POST to currency rate | New endpoint for POST currency rate | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1425 |
Improvement | API | New endpoint: currently unpaid accounts receivable entries | New flag in parameters for filtering out Only unpaid ledgers in Get-ledgers-by-date | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1514 |
Improvement | API | Action trigger missing from endpoint /api/object/create-update-object | When object are created via the API, the "action" field was not updated. This caused issues when using the endpoint /api/object/get-objects-by-changedate to fetch newly created objects. Fixed. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1644 |
Improvement | API | Importing invoices to Control Edge does not work via the API | Timeout limits have been increased. In some cases timeouts occurred when sending/receiving a lot of data simultaneously. Limit increased from 500 to 700 concurrent connections. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-2035 |
Improvement | API | Unit in create-invoicelog-customerdetails | Unit added in create-invoicelog and create-invoicelog-customerdetails | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-2072 |
Improvement | API | New endpoint for fetching Storage Space ID | New endpoint for fetching Storage Space ID for a tenant | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1505 |
Confirmed Error | Purchase - Search | Empty in OCR is seen as a value? | Empty string saved in ledgerx.ocr instead of NULL for OCR value when editing ledgers (both sales and purchase), bug fixed. | 2024.09.1 | CTRL-5885 |
Confirmed Error | Export | Voucher rows (large quantity) cannot be exported to Excel. | Performance improvements when exporting large amount of data to Excel | 2024.09.1 | CTRL-5878 |
Confirmed Error | Scheduler | No update in number of employees using scheduler | Sometimes the scheduled task "Update number of employees" didn't work. Now it works as long as country code, address and organization number is present on the supplier. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-2090 |
Improvement | API | Unit in create-invoicelog-customerdetails | Unit added in create-invoicelog and create-invoicelog-customerdetails | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-2072 |
Confirmed Error | Import | Importing invoices to Control Edge does not work via the API | Timeout limits have been increased. In some cases timeouts occurred when sending/receiving a lot of data simultaneously. Limit increased from 500 to 700 concurrent connections. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-2035 |
Improvement | SAF-T | Norwegian SAF-T 1.3 | SAFT-T upgraded to version 1.3 for Norway | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-2007 |
Improvement | Invoice logs | Column "Candidate for summary invoice" and "Ledger type "as selectabel column in Transfer Invoice logs | Column "Candidate for summary invoice" and "Ledger type" as selectable column in Transfer Invoice logs and Bookkeep tab so it can be visible in the list invoice logs and if this column/checkbox is marked on the log. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1987 |
Confirmed Error | Import | Brackets no longer in the template for excelimport. | Excel-import sometime removed the brackets [] after an upgrade which stopped the import. Fixed | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1925 |
Improvement | SAF-T | Transfer SAF-T-application to Edge | SAFT-T-tool available in Edge as a plugin. Norwegian SAF-T only in this release.Must be activated manually by Visma | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1788 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Add Supplier ID-column to Invoice Search in IM | The invoice search results overview has been improved by adding the "Supplier ID" column to the search results. Due to the required change, the user settings will be automatically restored to default. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1747 |
Confirmed Error | API | "action" trigger missing from endpoint /api/object/create-update-object | When object are created via the API, the "action" field was not updated. This caused issues when using the endpoint /api/object/get-objects-by-changedate to fetch newly created objects. Fixed. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1644 |
Improvement | API | New endpoint: currently unpaid accounts receivable entries | New flag in parameters for filtering out Only unpaid ledgers in Get-ledgers-by-date | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1514 |
Improvement | API | Create endpoints for fetching SSID in API | New endpoint for fetching Storage Space ID for a tenant | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1505 |
Improvement | API | New endpoint for POST to currency rate | New endpoint for POST currency rate | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1425 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Performance issue when reading invoice document (pdf) | When user had access to several units, in particular scenarios the invoice image was not loaded properly and "NoPDF" was return. This has been improved. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1348 |
Improvement | API | Wish for xtop to be available as an endpoint in API | Terms of Payment available as new endpoint. Get only. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1153 |
Improvement | Integration | One Stop Reporting Integration | New asset for Control Edge. One Stop Reporting. Please contact Visma or check the Community to see how to add this asset. | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-1077 |
Improvement | Automatization | Add Autocodings in Scheduler | New scheduled task: Autocoding | 2024.09.1 | CPLC-995 |
Improvement | User Management | User Management - Change email on user | New feature added in the User Management where it now is possible to change the email adress of the created user. When the new email adress is saved the connection to the old email is removed and the MFA for that account is reset and a new invitation is sent out to the new email for the user. | 2024.09.2 | CPLC-2153 |
New Feature | IM Mobile | IM Mobile - Property VAT | Property VAT functionality has been added to Invoice Manager Mobile on accounting level. Now it is possible to use Property VAT on existing accounting lines or on newly added ones, consistent with Invoice Manager main application functionality, if the user privileges and configuration allows that. | 2024.09.2 | CPLC-1828 |
New Feature | IM Mobile | IM Mobile - Accrual | Accrual configuration functionality has been added to Invoice Manager Mobile on accounting level. Now it is possible to perform accrual on existing accounting lines or on newly added ones, consistent with Invoice Manager main application functionality, if the user privileges and configuration allows that. | 2024.09.2 | CPLC-1826 |
New Feature | IM Mobile | IM Mobile - Functionality to code invoices | Accounting functionality has been added to Invoice Manager Mobile. Now it is possible to perform account coding from mobile or edit existing accounting if the user privileges and configuration allows that. | 2024.09.2 | CPLC-1273 |
Improvement | API | Possible to import any date in "objectbegin" on object | For create-update-object. When sending a date for"Objectbegin" on an object, it will automatically change to the first of that period, to align with Control Edge core behavior. If "objectbegin" and "objectend" are in the same month, the "objectend" will be the first day of next month, otherwise the object can never be used. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1890 |
Improvement | API | API POST Endpoint - usergroup | New endpoints for Usergroup. POST-api/usergroup and PUT-api/usergroup/usergroupid (for updates) | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2087 |
Improvement | API | Problem with xfreetext in /api/ledger/create-customer-ledger-with-voucherrows | Use the free text from the request (create-customer-ledger-with-voucherrows) on the voucher rows. If no free text is being used, free text will be created same way as in Control Edge core functionality. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2112 |
Improvement | API | Add type to get-supplier-ledgers-by-date in the API | Ledger type (reskontratyp) added in get-supplier-ledgers-by-date. Ledger types are for instance | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2119 |
Improvement | API | Create_voucherlog: Rows not balanced on number | Removed the validation on number balancing on the voucher. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2133 |
Improvement | API | Filter Control storages based on user id | Now we have the possibility to filter Control Storage Space ID based on the id of the user that is logged in Visma Connect. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2138 |
Improvement | API | New Endpoints: Invoicehead and invoicerow | New endpoints for invoicehead and invoicerow in the API | 2024.11.2 | CPLC-1699 |
Improvement | API | Not able to update freetext or note on supplier ledger | When using endpoint create-supplier-ledger-with-voucherrows the freetext and note is now updated also in the header. | 2024.11.2 | CPLC-2139 |
Improvement | API | Document api methods (Voucher Ledger) | Updated documentation regarding usage of date fields regarding the following endpoints: api/voucher/get-voucherrows, | 2024.11.2 | CPLC-2258 |
Improvement | API | API - get-usergroups has no input parameters | Parameters added for get-usergroups in The API. If more than 5000 items were in the database, only the first 5000 were fetched. This is fixed. | 2024.11.2 | CPLC-2278 |
Improvement | API | Endpoint get-deprecrules: Null response for field deprecType | Bug fixed in the endpoint get-deprecrules when some values returned NULL instead of the actual value. | 2024.11.2 | CPLC-2297 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Invoices displayed as blank images - pdf.js error | Some of the invoices where displayed with blank pages. This is corrected by upgrading the PDF viewer to latest version. | 2024.11.1 | DCE-5154 |
Confirmed Error | No update in incomestatement when performing internal interest for asset | Assets – Internal Interest calculation not updating container due to some not shown trigger errors, bug fixed | 2024.11.1 | CTRL-5853 | |
Confirmed Error | If Account is set to open - no accounts are available for coding in IM Mobile | If Accounts were set to Open, the accounts were not available for coding on Invoice Manager Mobile. This is corrected. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2263 | |
Confirmed Error | Control doesn't display standard voucher serie when book voucher from Approve vouchers | Standard voucher serie displayed when booking vouchers from Approve vouchers | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2222 | |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | IM - new solution for Help in IM | Help files have been replaced with a link to the Control Edge Community page which will prompt with Visma Chatbot when accessed, where the users could address questions related to either Control or IM (Invoice Manager). | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2203 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Accounting | Different amounts in Account analysis Control Edge | Report Central, Accounting - Account analysis report, accumulated amount influenced by stoken/deleted rows, bug fixed. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2196 |
Confirmed Error | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Error when adding attachments to credit invoices (Peppol) - no Base64 format | Format validation issues when creating (Peppol) credit invoices with an attachment, bug fixed. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2187 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Timeout when trying to open invoices from Search invoices | A red toast error thrown on opening invoices from search results, when users were having search permission 4 or 5. This has been corrected. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2186 |
Confirmed Error | Removal of decimals on amounts ESKD | Removed decimals in the ESKD Momsdeklaration | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2185 | |
Confirmed Error | Accounting - Search | Strange behaviour in interval field - Cash Analysis | Accounting Search - Cashflow analysis, weird behavior of the "Interval" box, fixed | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2184 |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | Same invoices imported two times | The way of tracking the successful imports has been changed and extended logging has been added for a more detailed error message when the database connection fails. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2183 |
Confirmed Error | When there is an error sending emails, the UI is unable because 2 pop-ups appear | Technical error fixed when trying to send a report in an email. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2170 | |
Improvement | Filter Control storages based on user id | Now we have the possibility to filter Control Storage Space ID based on the id of the user that is logged in Visma Connect. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2138 | |
Improvement | API | Create_voucherlog: Rows not balanced on number | Removed the validation on number balancing on the voucher. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2133 |
Improvement | Scheduler | Change "Radera fakturaloggar" in Scheduler "Transfer voucher logs" | Spelling mistake fixed in Scheduler - Transfer voucher log task. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2132 |
Improvement | API | Add type to get-supplier-ledgers-by-date in the API | Ledger type (reskontratyp) added in get-supplier-ledgers-by-date. Ledger types are for instance; Invoice, Credit, Interest Invoice, Interest Credit, Prepaid etc | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2119 |
Confirmed Error | Reporting - Fixed assets | Exporting to Excel | Amount formatting on the last column of the report, fixed. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2115 |
Improvement | Scheduler "Bookkeep vouchers" select multiple voucher series | Scheduler - bookkeep vouchers task, improvements regarding choosing voucher series when multiple business units are involved. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2113 | |
Confirmed Error | API | Problem with xfreetext in /api/ledger/create-customer-ledger-with-voucherrows | Use the free text from the request (create-customer-ledger-with-voucherrows) on the voucher rows. If no free text is being used, free text will be created same way as in Control Edge core functionality. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2112 |
Improvement | Sales - Invoicing workflow | Peppol missing tag |
Peppol – value from BSATE group entry written to cbc:CompanyLegalForm | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2102 |
Improvement | Help | New link for Help in Edge | New link for help: https://community.visma.com/t5/Control-Edge/ct-p/SE_SW_Visma-Control-Edge | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2092 |
Confirmed Error | API | API POST Endpoint - usergroup | New endpoints for Usergroup. POST-api/usergroup and PUT-api/usergroup/usergroupid (for updates) | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2087 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Handle invoice response on invoices in Import Deviation/Supplier Register | Invoice Response functionality requires a change in handling unit on invoice details level. All invoices fetched from Autoinvoice will no longer allow for the unit to be changed after the invoice was imported, unit field will be presented in disabled state. Invoices manually imported or using standard XML import, will allow the unit to be changed, unit field will be presented in enabled state. Invoices that fails Autoinvoice import will have the unit associated already and when manually handled they will be treated as Atoinvoice invoices, unit will be disabled on invoice detail level and cannot be changed. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2036 |
Confirmed Error | API | Importing invoices to Control Edge does not work via the API | Timeout limits have been increased. In some cases timeouts occurred when sending/receiving a lot of data simultaneously. Limit increased from 500 to 700 concurrent connections. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-2035 |
Improvement | Reporting - Accounting | Amount still left on rapport Period allocations, specification | Reporting - Periodic allocation, specification report - ignore "leftover amounts" above and under a certain value - new parameter added. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1980 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Configure Invoice response clarifications and reasons for supported statuses | Some of the Invoice Response Statuses (reject actions for example), supported in Invoice Manager, requires additional clarifications/reasons to be sent together with the status response to the sender to take proper actions. If the Invoice Response is enabled and an invoice will be rejected either by deletion or cancellation, a clarification code is requested to be inserted. Together with the clarification code, a mandatory message will be required too. The message will be mandatory on deletion or cancellation of invoices even if the Invoice Response was not enabled. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1948 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Upload Invoice Response document to Autoinvoice | Invoice Response functionality requires for the generated XML, to be uploaded to Autoinvoice for the supplier to fetch it accordingly. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1946 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Additional db changes to support Invoice Response | Invoice Response functionality requires database changes. More details have been added on invoice level for handling of invoice response, new unit parameter which enables the functionality and also a new table, TInvoiceResponseEventLog, has been created for storing the corresponding logs. The unit parameter is accessible from Invoice Manager Administrator - unit parameter list. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1945 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Read supplier status if is awaiting or not the invoice response | Invoice Response functionality requires for the supplier to be flagged as awaiting response in Peppol. For each imported invoice there will be a lookup if the supplier is flagged to receive responses and the information will be stored on invoice level accordingly so that a response to be sent if needed/expected. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1944 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Configure Invoice response statuses on imported invoices | Invoice Response functionality requires for each imported invoice if marked for awaiting response, to generate a response status in accordance with the invoice status. If the invoice is received the status will be AB, Acknowledged. If the invoice is rejected the status will be RE, Rejected. If the invoice is definitive booked the status will be AP, Approved. The generated status will be added accordingly on the invoice and sent to the invoice sender when the Send Invoice Response job is triggered. An invoice that have a rejection status can no longer be recreated from Invoice Manager Administrator. An invoice that waits invoice response, no longer allows for the unit to be changed when invoice details is opened on Invoice Manager web. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1943 |
Improvement | Invoice Manager | Generate XML document for Invoice Response | Invoice Response functionality requires for the response to be generated into an XML in accordance with the Peppol schema for the invoice responses. The XML will contain the response status and the clarification code if any clarifications are needed. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1942 |
Confirmed Error | Possible to import any date in "objectbegin" on object | For create-update-object. When sending a date for"Objectbegin" on an object, it will automatically change to the first of that period, to align with Control Edge core behavior. If "objectbegin" and "objectend" are in the same month, the "objectend" will be the first day of next month, otherwise the object can never be used. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1890 | |
Confirmed Error | Invoice Manager | IM - Date/time is logged -2 h in the workflow of an invoice | The time stamp presented in the workflow tab on invoice details, was with two hours earlier than CET, which was inconsistent with the time stamp presented on the attachments and messages. This is corrected. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1873 |
New Feature | Control Edge - Invoice Response | Invoice Response functionality has been implemented in accordance with regulations requested by the Peppol BIS Invoice Response 3.1. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1816 | |
New Feature | Invoice Manager | IM - Invoice Response | Invoice Response functionality has been implemented in accordance with regulations requested by the Peppol BIS Invoice Response 3.1. The functionality is enabled by several concurrent conditions: unit parameter UseInvoiceResponse should be set on 1 for each unit where the functionality is needed, invoice is flagged as awaiting response, the workflow task to send invoice response has a time stamp which determines that the job is run daily and responses are generated. | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1815 |
New Feature | SAF-T Denmark | Support for SAF-T in Denmark | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1721 | |
Improvement | The XIF file format cannot import data into the invoicelogreference table | Added support for importing data into the invoicelogreferencex table | 2024.11.1 | CPLC-1586 | |
Improvement | API | numberofemployees in /api/person/create-customer endpoint | Number of Employees removed from api/person/create-customer endpoint since it's not used there. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2140 |
Improvement | API | Incorrect response from create-ledgerlog | Updated responses from the API: For create ledger-log the response will be : Enumerator and Invno instead of Invoice date. For create voucher-log the timestamp and pack response was removed. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2286 |
Improvement | API | Same BG number on all suppliers when doing payment proposal/preparing payment | In the endpoint create-supplier the field _id was removed from the bank section. Note that id still remains and can be used. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2290 |
Improvement | API | Create-Customer endpoint overwrites fields with NULL when updating customers | A new endpoint to PATCH (update) an existing customer. Using the new "update" endpoints for customer users will be able to update only specific fields. If they use the existing "create-update" endpoints they need to send all values, otherwise the values that are not sent will be overwritten with NULL values. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2335 |
Improvement | API | Create-Update-Object endpoint overwrites fields with NULL when updating object | A new endpoint to PATCH (update) an existing object. Using the new "update" endpoints for object users will be able to update only specific fields. If they use the existing "create-update" endpoints they need to send all values, otherwise the values that are not sent will be overwritten with NULL values. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2336 |
Improvement | API | API - Payer, Payee, Reciever in invoicelog endpoints | Payer, Payee and Reciever added as fields in all places where invoicelog is being created. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2351 |
Improvement | API | IM Endpoint get invoicerow | A new endpoint for Invoice Manager, api/supplier-invoices, supports filters like UnitId, SupplierId, InvoiceDate, BookDate, and more with default pagination settings. It's scoped to "InvoiceManager" and includes a TotalNumberOfRecords field showing the total invoice count matching the filters. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2409 |
Improvement | API | IM Endpoint get prelbooked invoices | A new endpoint for Invoice Manager, api/supplier-invoices/status/{statusid}, fetches invoices by status IDs and supports filters like SupplierId, Status, InvoiceDateFrom, InvoiceDateTo, BookDateFrom, and BookDateTo. Options IncludeAccountingRows and IncludeMessages default to false. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2310 |
Improvement | API | IM Endpoint get Invoice template | A new endpoint for Invoice Manager, api/recurring-templates, offers filtering such as UnitId and SupplierId and supports pagination with 1000 entries per page. It provides data access, restricted to the "InvoiceManager" role for secure management. | 2025.01.1 | CPLC-2309 |
Improvement | Notifications | Mailjet as new solution for email notifications in Edge | A new email service has been implemented for sending notifications on Invoice Manager, User Management Portal and Control Edge. | 2024.11.3 | DCE-5085 |
Type | Category | Summary | Documentation | Version | Key |